Overview of the implemented visualization system. (a) Oceanus map view highlighting vessels’ transit locations; (b) Trajectory views: (b.1) Visualization options and list of similar vessels, (b.2) Trajectory of the selected vessel, (b.3) Trajectory of the fixed vessel; (c) Bar chart of total dwell time by location for selected and fixed vessels; (d) Time chart for the selected vessel.
The exposure of illegal fishing by SouthSeafood Express Corp highlights the urgent need for better tools to monitor commercial fishing in Oceanus. In response, we develop an interactive visualization tool for the VAST Challenge’s Mini-Challenge 2. Our system analyzes the CatchNet knowledge graph, combining vessel tracking and port records from FishEye International, a non-profit dedicated to combating illegal fishing. The tool links vessels to probable cargos, identifies seasonal trends, and detects anomalies in port records. Detects suspicious activity of vessels, offering actionable insights to aid investigations and prevent future illegal fishing.
@inproceedings{2024-TrackingOverfishing, title = {Tracking Overfishing: Visual Analytics of Suspicious Behaviors in Commercial Fishing Vessels}, author = {Juanpablo Heredia AND Fabrício Dalvi Venturim AND Mauro Diaz AND Felipe Moreno-Vera AND Jorge Poco}, booktitle = {IEEE Visual Analytics Science \& Technology (VAST) Challenge}, year = {2024}, url = {http://www.visualdslab.com/papers/TrackingOverfishing}, }